Haml Components

Another way to reuse your existing views and partials are components with *.haml templates. You can create a component and don't implement a response method. In this case, Matestack will look for a *.haml file right next to it. In this *.haml file you can access all variables, methods, helpers and so on which you could access in a component. Let's take a closer look by recreating our product teaser component with a *.haml file. We create a file called teaser_haml.rb in app/matestack/components/products/.

class Components::Products::TeaserHaml < Matestack::Ui::Component

  requires :product


Next we create the corresponding *.haml template. As said above, Matestack looks for this template next to the component file. So we will create it in app/matestack/components/products/teaser_haml.haml.

= link_to product_path(product), class: 'product-teaser' do
    %h2= product.name
    %p= product.description
    %b= product.price

After registering this component we can use it on Rails views with matestack_component. This gives you the opportunity to reuse your views, part of them or partials easily by creating a component and moving your view markup into a *.haml file next to it. If you are not already using haml in your project checkout html2haml or many of the available online tools to convert your erb views effortless into *.haml views.

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