
Performing dynamic page transitions without full page reload.


Except for id and class, the transition component can handle additional parameters:

path - required

As the name suggests, the path expects a path within our application. If you want to route to a link outside our application, use the link component

transition path: :page1_path do
  button text: 'Page 1'

If the path input is a string it just uses this string for the transition target.

If the path input is a symbol (e.g. :root_path) it calls the Rails url helper method in order to generate the transition target

You can also just use the Rails url helper methods directly. They will return a string which is then used as the transition target without any further processing.

text - optional

If the transition component receives a text via its options, it gets rendered as shown here:

transition path: :page1_path, text: 'Click me for a transition'
<a href='my_example_app/page1'>Click me for a transition</a>

If no text is present, the transition component expects a block that it then yields the usual way.

delay - optional

You can use this attribute if you want to delay the actual transition. It will not delay the page_loading_triggered event

delay: 1000 # means 1000 ms

Active class

The transition component automatically gets the active class on the clientside when the current path equals the target path.

When a sub page of a parent transition component is currently active, the parent transition component gets the active-child class. A sub page is recognized if the current path is included in the target path of the parent transition component:

Parent target: /some_page

Currently active: /some_page/child_page --> Parent gets child-active

Query params do not interfere with this behavior.


The transition component automatically emits events on:

  • transition triggered by user action -> "page_loading_triggered"

  • optional client side delay via delay attribute

  • start to get new page from server -> "page_loading"

  • server side/network delay

  • successfully received new page from server -> "page_loaded"

  • failed to receive new page from server -> "page_loading_error"


The transition core component renders the HTML <a> tag and performs a page transition

Example 1: Perform transition from one page to another without full page reload

First, we define our routes (config/routes.rb) and the corresponding endpoints in our example controller:

get 'my_example_app/page1', to: 'example_app_pages#page1', as: 'page1'
get 'my_example_app/page2', to: 'example_app_pages#page2', as: 'page2'
class ExampleAppPagesController < ExampleController
  include Matestack::Ui::Core::ApplicationHelper
  matestack_app ExampleApp

  def page1
    render ExampleApp::Pages::ExamplePage

  def page2
    render ExampleApp::Pages::SecondExamplePage


Then, we define our example app layout with a navigation that consists of two transition components!

class ExampleApp::Apps < Matestack::Ui::App

  def response
    heading size: 1, text: 'My Example App Layout'
    nav do
      transition path: :page1_path do
        button text: 'Page 1'
      transition path: :page2_path do
        button text: 'Page 2'
    main do


Lastly, we define two example pages for our example application:

class ExampleApp::Pages::ExamplePage < Matestack::Ui::Page

  def response
    div id: 'my-div-on-page-1' do
      heading size: 2, text: 'This is Page 1'
      plain "#{'%Q')}"



class ExampleApp::Pages::SecondExamplePage < Matestack::Ui::Page

  def response
    div id: 'my-div-on-page-2' do
      heading size: 2, text: 'This is Page 2'
      plain "#{'%Q')}"
    transition path: :page1_path do
      button text: 'Back to Page 1'


Now, we can visit our first example page via localhost:3000/my_example_app/page1 and see our two buttons (Page 1 and Page 2) and the content of page 1 (My Example App Layout and This is Page 1).

After clicking on the Page 2-button, we get transferred to our second page (This is Page 2) without re-loading the whole page.

If we then click the other button available (Back to Page 1), we get transferred back to the first page, again without re-loading the whole page. This behavior can save quite some request payload (and therefore loading time) as only the relevant content on a page gets replaced!

Last updated

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