Essential Guide 3: Person Index, Show, Transition

Demo: Matestack Demo Github Repo: Matestack Demo Application

Welcome to the third part of our tutorial about building a web application with matestack.


In the previous guide, we added an ActiveRecord model to our project, added some fake persons to our database and displayed them on an index page.

In this guide, we will

  • a detail page for every person

  • dive more into the concept of page transitions


We expect you to have successfully finished the previous guide.

Update person controller and routes

We want to add a detail page for our persons. In order to do that we need to update our routes.rb to include the show action for persons. Also now is a good time to swap our rails root route to our persons index action.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root to: 'persons#index'

  resources :persons, only: [:index, :show]

Next we need to add the show action to our person controller. Inside it we find the person matching the id from the path, like you would normally do in Rails.

class PersonsController < ApplicationController
  matestack_app Demo::App

  def index
    render Demo::Pages::Person::Index

  def show
    @person = Person.find_by(id: params[:id])
    render Demo::Pages::Person::Show


Page transitions

In app/matestack/demo/app.rb, replace the contents with the code snippet below in order to add a navigation transition to the root path in our app layout.

class Demo::App < Matestack::Ui::App

  def response
    nav do
      transition path: root_path, text: 'Persons'
    header do
      heading size: 1, text: 'Demo App'
    main do
    footer do
      small text: 'These guides are provided by matestack'


Person index page

In order to view the details of a person we add a transition to every person on the index page linking to the persons show page.

class Demo::Pages::Persons::Index

  def prepare
    @persons = Person.all

  def response
    ul do
      @persons.each do |person|
        li do
          plain person.first_name
          strong text: person.last_name
          transition text: 'Details', path: person_path(person)


Person detail page

Next we create the show page for a person. Therefore we create a file called show.rb alongside the index.rb inside app/matestack/demo/pages/persons.

class Demo::Pages::Persons::Show < Matestack::Ui::Page

  def response
    transition path: persons_path, text: 'All persons'
    heading size: 2, text: "Name: #{@person.first_name} #{@person.last_name}"
    paragraph text: "Role: #{@person.role}"


The show page displays the persons firstname and lastname in a h2 tag and underneath the persons role in a p tag. Above those information is a transition to the persons index page.

As you might see, we can access instance variables from controllers and rails helpers inside of our pages. This is also applicable for apps and components. We have access to everything we would have access to in a standard rails view.

Further introduction: Page transitions

Now that we've used them a couple of times, let's focus on the transition component a bit longer:

When you want to change between different pages within the same matestack app, using a transition component gives you a neat advantage: After clicking the link, instead of doing a full page reload, only the page content within your app gets replaced - this leads to a better performance (faster page load) and a more app-like feeling for your users or page visitors!

For links that go outside your matestack app, require a full page reload or reference URLs outside your domain, make sure to use the link component instead!

To learn more, check out the complete API documentation for the transition component.

Local testing

Run rails s and head over to localhost:3000 to test the changes! You should be able to browse through the various persons in the database and switch between the different pages using the transition links.

Saving the status quo

As usual, we want to commit the progress to Git. In the repo root, run

git add . && git commit -m "Add index/show matestack pages for person model (incl. controller, routes), update demo matestack app"

Recap & outlook

Our person model now has a dedicated index and show page. The pages within our matestack app are properly linked to each other. We learned how we can access data and use rails helpers inside of pages, apps and components and how transitions in more detail work.

Let's continue and add the necessary functionality for adding new persons and editing existing ones in the next part of the series.

Last updated

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