
The action component can be used to trigger asynchronous requests from for example a button click or any other html markup. The action components let's us wrap content in an a tag which is then clickable and triggers a background request with the configured request method to the configured path and with optionally given params and let's us react to the server response. It can distinguish between a successful and failed response and emit events, transition somewhere, completely redirect and more. You only need to configure it according to your needs.

Let's assume we want a delete button on a products show page in an admin app. Deleting a product would require us to send a DELETE request to the product_path(product). In the example below, clicking the "Delete" button will trigger an asynchronous DELETE request to the products_path(id) with params foo: :bar. If successful the action component will trigger a transition to the path the controller redirected us to. If the request failed it will emit the "deletion-failed" event.

We recommend defining the expected hash parameter for action components in a method for better readability.

def response
  action action_config do
    button 'Delete'

def action_config
    path: product_path(product),
    method: :delete,
    params: {
      foo: :bar
    sucess: {
      transition: {
        follow_response: true
    failure: {
      emit: 'deletion-failed'

Basic confirm dialog

By adding confirm: true inside the config, the action component will show a browser-native confirm dialog before performing the request. When specified, a browser-native confirm dialog is shown before the action is actually performed. The action only is performed after the user confirms. The action is not performed if the user declines to confirm dialog.

Success and failure behavior

We can customize the success and failure behavior of an action component by specifiyng the :success or :failure key with a hash as value. The value hash can contain different keys for different behavior.

  • use :emit inside it to emit an event for success or failed responses.

  • use :transition to transition to another page. Either specifiyng a hash containing a path and optional params or a hash with follow_response: true in order to follow the redirect of the response.

  • use :redirect with a hash containing a path and params or follow_response: true to redirect the browser to the target. Be aware that this will trigger a full website reload as it is a redirect and no transition.

You can also combine :emit and one of :transition, :redirect if wanted.

Last updated

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