This adds the npm package that provides the JavaScript corresponding to the matestack-ui-bootstrap Ruby gem. Make sure that the npm package version matches the gem version. To find out what gem version you are using, you may use bundle info matestack-ui-bootstrap.
vue3 dropped IE 11 support
when using babel alongside webpacker, please adjust your package.json or .browserslistrc config in order to exclude IE 11 support:
const { environment } =require('@rails/webpacker')constwebpack=require('webpack');constcustomWebpackConfig= { resolve: { alias: { vue:'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler','matestack-ui-vuejs':'matestack-ui-vuejs/lib/matestack/ui/vue_js/index.js',// in order not to use the esm package'matestack-ui-bootstrap':'matestack-ui-bootstrap/lib/matestack/ui/bootstrap/index.js'// in order not to use the esm package } }, plugins: [newwebpack.DefinePlugin({ __VUE_OPTIONS_API__:true, __VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__:false }) ]}environment.config.merge(customWebpackConfig)module.exports= environment
(don't forget to restart webpacker when changing this file!)
and then finally compile the JavaScript code with webpack:
$ bin/webpack --watch
When you update the matestack-ui-bootstrap Ruby gem, make sure to update the npm package as well!