
The Bootstrap switch form component, implemented in Ruby. Use it like any of the other matestack form components in your apps, pages and components. It offers customizable options to simply achieve what is possible in bootstrap with this component. See below for more information about the configuration options.

bs_form_switch(*args, &block)

Renders one or multiple bootstrap switch input fields.

Optional options

  • label - Expects a string, gets displayed before the first input field

  • form_text - Expects a string, gets displayed after the last input field

  • disabled - If set to :true, the switch input fields are set to disabled and clicking them doesn't yield any effect

  • variant - If set to :inline, the wrapping div is displayed as inline-block instead of the default block


Example 1: Basic usage with single true/false switch button

  bs_form_switch key: :some_switch_input, label: 'Some input'

and sends

"some_switch_input"=>nil # or true, if the input has been clicked or false if the input was clicked again

to the corresponding Controller.

Example 2: Basic usage with an Array

bs_form_switch key: :foo, options: [1, 2]

Example 3: Basic usage with a Hash

bs_form_switch key: :foo, options: { "Option 1": 1, "Option 2": 2 }

Example 4: Using a label

bs_form_switch key: :foo, options: [1, 2], label: "Some label"

Example 5: Using a form_text

bs_form_switch key: :foo, options: { "Option 1": 1, "Option 2": 2 }

Example 6: Using the disabled option

  bs_form_switch key: :foo, options: [1, 2], disabled: true

Example 7: Using the :inline variant

bs_form_switch key: :foo, options: { "Option 1": 1, "Option 2": 2 }

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