Matestack provides functionality for reactive nested forms.
This works in conjunction with rails' accepts_nested_attributes_for. From the rails documentation on nested attributes:
Nested attributes allow you to save attributes on associated records through the parent. By default nested attribute updating is turned off and you can enable it using the accepts_nested_attributes_for class method. When you enable nested attributes an attribute writer is defined on the model.
There is a little bit of setup required to enable this. There's a need for accepts_nested_attributes_for, index_errors on a models' has_many associations and an ActiveRecord patch.
Consider the following model setup, which is the same model found in the dummy app in the spec directory (active in this dummy app):
class DummyModel < ApplicationRecord
validates :title, presence: true, uniqueness: true
has_many :dummy_child_models, index_errors: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :dummy_child_models, allow_destroy: true
class DummyChildModel < ApplicationRecord
validates :title, presence: true, uniqueness: true
Index Errors
Note the has_many :dummy_child_models, index_errors: true declaration in the Dummy Model declaration above.
Normally with rails, when rendering forms using Active Record models, errors are available on individual model instances. When using accepts_nested_attributes_for, error messages sent as JSON are not as useful because it is not possible to figure out which associated model object the error relates to.
From rails 5, we can add an index to errors on nested models. We can add the option index_errors: true to has_many association to enable this behaviour on individual association.
ActiveRecord Patch
Matestack nested forms support requires an ActiveRecord patch. This is because index_errors does not consider indexes of the correct existing sub records.
module ActiveRecord
module AutosaveAssociation
def validate_collection_association(reflection)
if association = association_instance_get(
if records = associated_records_to_validate_or_save(association, new_record?, reflection.options[:autosave])
all_records =
records.each do |record|
index = all_records.find_index(record)
association_valid?(reflection, record, index)
Controller Setup
Adjusting strong params for nested form support does not differ from what needs to be done when using classsic Rails forms, e.g.:
def dummy_model_params
dummy_child_models_attributes: [:id, :_destroy, :title]
class ExamplePage < Matestack::Ui::Page
def prepare
@dummy_model =
# optional: build new instances before render: "init-value")
def response
# use a normal form config, nothing new here
matestack_form form_config do
form_input key: :title, type: :text, label: "dummy_model_title_input"
# use all kind of input components for the parent model here!
@dummy_model.dummy_child_models.each do |dummy_child_model|
# optional!
# lives outside of form_fields_for
form_fields_for_add_item key: :dummy_child_models_attributes, prototype: method(:dummy_child_model_form) do
# type: :button is important! otherwise form submission may be triggered when adding an item.
button "add", type: :button
button "Submit me!", type: :submit
# use a partial for all dummy child model forms
# used for existing child models or as a 'prototype' form for new child models
# when called from form_fields_for_add_item prototype, the first param is nil
def dummy_child_model_form dummy_child_model =
form_fields_for dummy_child_model, key: :dummy_child_models_attributes do
# do not use IDs for input fields!
# IDs are assigned automatically in order to have unique IDs for each input
form_input key: :title, type: :text, label: "dummy-child-model-title-input"
# use all kind of input components for the child model here!
# optional!
# has to be placed within a form_fields_for component
form_fields_for_remove_item do
# type: :button is important! otherwise form submission may be triggered when removing an item.
button "remove", type: :button
Dynamically Adding Nested Items (Optional)
As in the example above, you can dynamically add nested items. As the comment in the code suggests type: :button is important, otherwise form submission may be triggered when removing an item.
# lives outside of a form_fields_for component!
form_fields_for_add_item key: :dummy_child_models_attributes, prototype: method(:dummy_child_model_form) do
# type: :button is important! otherwise form submission may be triggered when removing an item
button "add", type: :button
Dynamically Removing Nested Items (Optional)
As in the example above, as well as dynamically adding items, you can dynamically remove nested items. Again, important: type: :button is important, otherwise form submission may be triggered when adding an item.
# has to be placed within a form_fields_for component!
form_fields_for_remove_item do
# type: :button is important! otherwise form submission may be triggered when adding an item.
button "remove", type: :button