Async Component API

The async component enables us to rerender/defer parts of the UI based on events/timing without full page reload.

Please be aware that, if not configured otherwise, the async core component does get loaded and displayed on initial pageload!


The async core component accepts the following parameters:

ID - required

The async component needs an ID in order to resolve the correct content on an async HTTP request

async id: "some-unique-id" do


The rerender_on option lets us define an event on which the component gets rerendered.

async rerender_on: 'my_event', id: "some-unique-id" do
  div id: 'my-div' do
    plain "#{'%Q')}"

Note: The rerender_on option lets you rerender parts of your UI asynchronously. But please consider that, if not configured differently, it

a) is not lazily loaded and

b) and does get displayed on initial pageload

by default.

Lazy (or defered) loading can be configured like shown here.

You can pass in multiple, comma-separated events on which the component should rerender.

async rerender_on: 'my_event, some_other_event', id: "some-unique-id"


The defer option may be used in two ways:

simple defer

defer: true implies that the content of the async component gets requested within a separate GET request right after initial page load is done.

async defer: true, id: "some-unique-id"do
  div id: 'my-div' do
    plain 'I will be requested within a separate GET request right after initial page load is done'

delayed defer

defer: 2000 means that the content of the async component gets requested within a separate GET request 2000 milliseconds after initial page load is done.

async defer: 2000, id: "some-unique-id" do
  div id: 'my-div' do
    plain 'I will be requested within a separate GET request 2000ms after initial page load is done'

The content of an async component with activated defer behavior is not resolved within the first page load!

async defer: 1000, id: "some-unique-id" do
  some_database_data = SomeModel.some_heavy_query
  div id: 'my-div' do
    some_database_data.each do |some_instance|
async defer: 2000, id: "some-unique-id" do
  some_other_database_data = SomeModel.some_other_heavy_query
  div id: 'my-div' do
    some_other_database_data.each do |some_instance|

The SomeModel.some_query does not get executed within the first page load and only will be called within the deferred GET request. This helps us to render a complex UI with loads of heavy method calls step by step without slowing down the initial page load and rendering of simple content.

DOM structure, loading state and animations

Async components will be wrapped by a DOM structure like this:

<div class="matestack-async-component-container">
  <div class="matestack-async-component-wrapper">
    <div class="matestack-async-component-root" >

During async rendering a loading class will automatically be applied, which can be used for CSS styling and animations:

<div class="matestack-async-component-container loading">
  <div class="matestack-async-component-wrapper loading">
    <div class="matestack-async-component-root" >


Deferring content

You can either configure an async component to request its content directly after the page load or to delay the request for a given amount of time after the page load. :defer expects either a boolean or a integer representing the delay time in milliseconds. If :defer is set to false the async component will be rendered on page load and not deferred. If set to true it will request its content directly after the page load.

def response
  async id: 'deferred-async', defer: true do
    plain 'Some content rendered after page is loaded.'

The above async component will be rendered asynchronously after page load.

def response
  async id: 'delayed-deferred-async', defer: 500 do
    plain 'Some delayed deferred content'

Specifying defer: 500 will delay the asynchronous request after page load of the async component for 300ms and render the content afterwards.

Rerendering content

The async leverages the event hub and can react to emitted events. If it receives one or more of the with :rerender_on specified events it will asynchronously request a rerender of its content. The response will only include the rerendered html of the async component which then replaces the current content of the async. If you specify multiple events in :rerender_on they need to be seperated by a comma.

def response
  async id: 'rerendering-async', rerender_on: 'update-time' do
  onclick emit: 'update-time' do
    button text: 'Update time'

The above snippet renders a paragraph with the current time and a button "Update time" on page load. If the button is clicked a update-time event is emitted. The async component wrapping the paragraph receives the event and reacts to it by requesting its rerendered content from the server and replacing its content with the received html. In this case it will rerender after button click and show the updated time.

Last updated